Before entering politics, Dr. Paul had been the local Obstetrician of his town in Texas. If any baby was born in that neighborhood, chances are he was the one who delivered it. Throughout his many years, he had delivered over 4,000 babies in total. That is why the thought of the gift of life being willingly thrown away has always shocked and appalled him.
During Paul's medical residency, he was unfortunate enough to witness an abortion on a late pregnancy in which a 2-3 pound crying baby was placed in a bucket and left to die. This has left a serious impression on him, and compels him to argue pro-life. However, he has not let this taint his libertarian view that personal choices should not be regulated by the federal government. While he feels that life should be protected, he knows that it would not be up to the President to decide. In other words, "We don't need a federal abortion police" (Paul, 28 Nov 2007)
Planned Parenthood, a program began to educate teens about the joys and responsibilities that come with being parents, is a major opposition to Paul. Abortion is encouraged, and alternative options are rarely, if ever, discussed. Obama, like most liberals, feels that a woman's right to choose is more important than the baby's right to live, and plans to make abortions more available to those who want them as part of his healthcare reform.
Life is undoubtedly our greatest asset as human beings. As Dr. Paul once said: "If you can't protect life, then how can you protect liberty?" That is what we must ask ourselves when deciding on such a sensitive and controversial issue.
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