Tuesday, March 5, 2013

R3volution Persists Despite Obama Re-election; Paul to Start College Tour

It was a dark day for liberty-lovers across the country last August when Mitt Romney was officially declared the 2012 Republican Candidate, the sad but inevitable consequence of which being the re-election of Barack Obama in November.  We all knew it would turn out that way, with uninformed Americans being left with the choice of whether they wish to enter the slaughterhouse through the left or right gate.  Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson showed decent results, recieveing about 1% of the popular vote, but the 2012 election without Ron Paul's name on the ballot was severely dissappointing and infuriating. 
However, despite the establishment's best efforts to keep the liberty movement censored, Ron Paul's R3volution has made a major impact on millions of people nationwide.  His message of Constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility and sound money has especially hit home among the youth.  During his 2012 campaign, Paul saw many of his largest crowds on college campuses; some even had students climbing nearby trees just to hear his words when all of the seats filled up! And now, even after the campaign has been long ended, thousands of people still thirst for his message of liberty and common sense.  For this reason, Paul has dedicated most of 2013 to touring colleges across the country (no easy feat for a 77 year old man, mind you) to spread the ideas which have made him admired and adored by his fans, and feared by the greedy beaurocrats in Washington.  In April 2012, I had the great honor and privelege of traveling to Cornell University in Ithaca, NY to hear one of Dr. Paul's famous speeches, and I was absolutely blown away by the passion which was exuding from the crowd.  Over 4,000 people were in attendance, some of whom (like my mother and I) had traveled over many miles on less than a week's notice to see and hear him speak.  The R3volution will continue, because, as Ron says, "Freedom is popular".       

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