Yesterday, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky spent 13 straight hours on the Senate floor filibustering the appointment of John Brennan to the CIA. This was supposed to be a protest against President Obama's domestic use of predator drones. Despite not being very popular in the Senate, he was joined on the floor by a handful of Constitutionalists from both houses of Congress in his show of solidarity. He spoke until he could speak no more, finally winding down at around 1 oclock this morning.
So why go through all of this? According to attorney general Eric Holder, Obama has the authority under US law (not the Constitution, mind you) to target and kill American citizens on our soil. This would be accomplished by use of unmanned aerial vehicles, more commonly known as predator drones. Drones have already been used to strike down entire villages overseas, an action which is defended under the auspices of "killing terrorists", or "protecting our welfare". Now, our illustrious President has brought the horror of drone warfare right to our doorstep, undermining our fourth amendment right, not to mention our basic inalienable right to life! He has promised on a few occasions that he would never use these war machines on Americans, but we all know that men do not grant themselves power if they do not plan to use it.
A tip of the hat is due to Rand Paul and the Constitutionalist conservatives in their fight for our liberties. Continue to stand strong, despite the odds!
"All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to remain silent"
-Edmund Burke
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